
       首页 装修资讯 从加州到深圳再到上海,ROKU的“社交圣地”美学不竭在升华 从加州到深圳再到上海,ROKU的“社交圣地”美学不竭在升华 http://www.jiaju82.com 2023年08月29日19:07 家居装修资讯

Roku成立在2002年,总部位在美国加州Los Gatos,是电视流媒体的前驱。自成立以来,Roku在产物上不竭研发迭代,致力在为用户供给人道化、直不雅化和最多元的文娱选择。公司在连结延续立异活力的同时,始终把优化客户的利用体验放在第一名。

Roku, founded in 2002, headquartered in Los Gatos, California, USA, is a pioneer of TV streaming media. Since its inception, Roku has continued to develop and iterate on its products, committed to providing users with user-friendly, visualized and the most diverse entertainment choices. While maintaining the vitality of continuous innovation, it always puts the optimization of customer experience in the first place.

曩昔四年,Space Matrix帮忙Roku打造了其在中国的所有办公室项目,我们对Roku的品牌愿景和企业文化也有了周全的理解。此次Roku在上海的全新办公空间是该品牌的全球指点方针和形象的真实反应。这个空间的灵感来自在本地的文化,它既表现了上海的曩昔和将来,又为员工供给了一个高效、便捷和舒适的情况。

Having helped Roku build all its workplaces in China in the past four years, Space Matrix has had a comprehensive understanding of Roku’s brand vision and corporate culture. Roku’s new workplace in Shanghai truly mirrors its global guidelines and brand image. Inspired by the local culture, this workplace gives expression to the past and fut安博体育ure of Shanghai while creating an efficient, convenient and cozy environment for its employees.


Like in its Shenzhen office we have built for Roku, Space Matrix took its global standard in the design of its Shanghai office, while giving consideration to the use and aesthetic habits of local building space. We used purple which is the brand color of Roku as the dominant hue and created its brand atmosphere thus to get close to the futuristic and modern atmosphere in the open and inclusive spirit of Shanghai.


The textured materials used for the project are pleasingly quiet and simple, which can greatly relieve the tension and create an easeful and cozy office environment, offering freedom, relaxation and openness to the workplace, enabling the easy interaction and efficient collaboration between employees.


We designed a large area of glass façade for the conference room and used purple and green as the dominant hues of suspended ceiling and curtain wall. We also chose the materials of simple style for the carpet and the desks chairs. All these elements together with transparent feel brought by the sufficient sunlight can greatly soothe the tension and sense of enclosure, and make the users feel more comfort within their range of activities.

我们在空间计划上,将作为每一个办公项目“标配”的Social Hub设置在全部空间中视野最好的位置。Social Hub中有凸起的阶梯化设置,多条理的结构拓展了空间的利用面积,而且在视觉上增加了舒适感,素雅的材质或亮眼的色彩搭配,和阶梯式座椅和矫捷家具,可以或许知足人们会晤、办公和放松身心的多种需求,有助在构成稠密的开放式社交空气,促进彼此交换和谐。

In the planning and design of the project, Space Matrix placed the Social Hub, which is a “must-have” for every workplace, in the position where people can have the best view in the entire space. The prominent step seating in the social hub enlarges the usable area of the space with its multi-level layout, and makes the space visually comfortable. The simple but elegant materials and the bright color palette, as well as the step seating and flexible furniture can satisfy people’s needs for meeting, work and relaxation, helping to shape a strong open atmosphere of social communication and enhance mutual communication and harmony.


In addition, diverse scenarios like phone booth, open collaboration and quick discussion space offer employees different choices for a short break, communion and discussion, make it easy for employees to walk around and interact, easing their body and mind. It is helpful for employees to extend their interpersonal circle outside the office where they can take pleasure in share and enhance their sense of being.

不管是企业文化属性的融入,仍是1:1高还原度的落地性保障,经由过程设计施工一体化的项目整合办事,Space Matrix让客户心中所要告竣的空间结果有了更多实现的可能。

Space Matrix offers our clients more possibilities to realize the space effect they want to achieve through the all-in-one project integration service of design and construction in terms of integrating the nature of corporate culture into workplace and guaranteeing the 1:1 rendering of design sketch.

Space Matrix对Roku上海办公空间的设计,以人际交往和社群互动需求为起点,用轻松互动式的空间,指导员工调剂到最好的工作状况,帮忙他们在专注工作以外,还可以感触感染到办公室带来的“不测欣喜”。

In the design of Roku Shanghai’s workplace, Space Matrix kept in mind people’s needs for interpersonal communication and community interaction and created a good space of easy interaction to lead the employees to the best working condition, helping them focus on their work and even feel the “unexpected surprise” brought by the workplace.



项目面积丨2333 m²


Project Name ROKU Shanghai Office

Scpe of Services Design Build

MEP Consultancy

Project Management

Gross Area 2333 sqm

Completion Date Dec.2021

原文网址: 从加州到深圳再到上海,ROKU的“社交圣地”美学不竭在升华 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-852114.html

上一篇:安博体育-智慧舒适窗 下一篇:安博体育-瓷之以恒 与建筑共生丨8月3日上海站,英辉瓷泳开启铝材表面耐候新时代!